Content sync:

Basket syncs your saved list to ensure you can access your articles offline, anytime you want.


  • Each time you open Basket it will check and sync your list.

Instant sync:
  • You can also use 'Pull to Refresh' in the home listing screen to sync the contents instantly.


Article download for offline access:

 To configure article download options you need to navigate to settings section of Basket app, where you can find 'Article download policy'.

Basket article download policy for android

Tap on the article download policy to see the list of options. Keeping in mind that you might be in data plan, Basket by default keep 'Only on wi-fi' enabled.

Basket article download policies for android

If 'Only on wi-fi' is enabled, Basket app will only download the contents for offline reading when wi-fi is available.

However if you want to read an article in the list while using mobile data you can simply tap on the list item and it will open.

If 'Always' is enabled, Basket will download your articles always irrespective of your device in wi-fi or in data plan.

If 'Never' is enabled, Basket will not download your articles automatically in any internet connection.

Clearing and Refreshing your contents:


If you are short in storage or due to some circumstances want to clear all the offline articles, then from the setting tab you can tap 'Clear offline contents'. This will clear your offline articles. But remember according to your 'Article download policy' download will take place again when app will resume.

If due to some reason you find that all of your data is not perfect or you are facing some troubles with your saved items, you can tap 'Refresh your account' in the settings tab and it will re-sync all of your items.